School Uniform

Students should dress in a neat, clean, modest, and appropriate manner. All students are required to wear school uniform purchased from the ABS office and to adhere to the dress code.  The school reserves the right to make final decisions as to what is acceptable school dress.

Dress or hair that distracts either students or staff from maintaining a positive academic environment is discouraged. Students should refrain from drawing negative attention to themselves through dress or behaviour.

school uniform grades 1 - 12

The uniform for this level consists of the school top and either a plaid blue skirt (shorts with a skirt front) or dark blue shorts or trousers (pants).

The school top is required and supplied in 3 colours: white, yellow, and blue.

Girls should wear black student shoes. Boys should wear black student or canvas shoes.

The sports uniform consists of our standard school issue blue shorts and T- shirt. This uniform is a requirement for physical education days, along with appropriate running shoes and socks (no sandals, please).

The scount uniform

school uniform kindergarten

The uniform for this level consists of the school top is required and supplied in 5 colours: yellow for monday, pink for tuesday, green for wednesday, orange for thursday and blue for friday.